Monday, August 27, 2012




20 w. Patrick st, Frederick 21701

Opening Sept 7th 6-9 pm

Made using found objects as lenses, photographer Matthew Saindon's dreamlike images include glimpses of faces, birds and children's toys that often tip fully into abstraction. Beautiful as objects in themselves, they serve Saindon's broader agenda to imagine a world that resists categorization and remains open to possibility.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

disorienting dilemmas. available now.

Visiting artist Gaia leaves his mark on the Creative Alliance

Street Artist Gaia pastes his Raven on the Creative Alliance as part of resident artist Michael Owen's street art work shop
In conjunction with The Streets are Talking: Experiencing Contemporary Street Art!local artist Gaia led a practical demonstration on his brand of street art by pasting his Raven on the East Ave. side of the Creative Alliance. Organized by resident artist  Michael Owen the  interdisciplinary workshop promised “hands-on exercises, conversations, and demonstrations to leave you with new skills and perspective, no matter what your medium is now.”  The workshop also featured guidance from painters Billy Mode , and Greg Gannon. Michael Owen will be hosting the final installment of his workshop Monday may 30th from 7pm to 9:30pm, contact the Creative Alliance for up to date information on this workshop. If you haven’t already you can join the CA mailing list and you will be the first to know if this one is offered again.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Streets are Talking

On the other side of this week begins the workshop we should all consider attending. The Streets Are Talking: Experiencing Contemporary Street Art  lead by Michael Owen, artist in residence at the Creative Alliance. The Workshop will span 4 mondays beginning on may 9th and continuing every monday until  May 30th.

"Michael Owen and 3 visiting street artists (including GAIA and Billy Mode) present hands-on exercises, conversations, and demonstrations to leave you with new skills and perspective, no matter what your medium is now."
Via Creative Alliance

Michael is well known for his large murals spreading a message of Love around the city. As lead artist for the Baltimore Love Project he has been featured in the Baltimore Sun and the B! Daily. His goal is to create 20 LOVE murals throughout the city, so far he has loved on Mt. Washington, Highlandtown, Carrol Park, and Hollins Market, with 5 more walls in the works. Outside The Love Project Michael has created other large scale murals nationwide including The Celebration Between a mural spanning the 1/4 mile stretch of the Highlandtown to Greektown underpass. For more information on Michael visit for more information on the LOVE Project watch their video at kickstarter.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just in time for the Highlandtown Wine Festival

You've seen his work, if not in the courtyard at Our Lady of Pompeii at the past few winefests, then most assuredly you've set foot inside of Matthew’s Pizza where it adorns the walls of the dining area. Now silver spring artist Anthony Miserendino has returned to Highlandtown, and Our Lady of Pompeii, to install a mural on the 200 block of Dean st. The mural represents the unification of two distinct cultures brought together under the guidance of a single faith. Weather permitting the work will be complete just in time for the Highlandtown Wine festival on May 1st. Anthony will be exhibiting other works in october at the Betty Mae Kramer Gallery in Silver Spring, For more information on Anthony and his work you can check out his website  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Highlandtown Farmers M-ART-ket

Around the corner and up a little ways marks the season opener for Highlandtown Farmers Market and ARTket at the Market beginning June 9th. There are some big changes at the market this year. After years of being tucked away on the corner of Bank and Conkling streets, the market has been moved to the intersection of Conkling st. and Eastern Avenue and will now be held on Thursday evenings.
Offering fresh local produce and food made by some of the areas most talented taste makers the market also offers the opportunity for artists to display and sell their works. Join us June 9th at 4pm to 8pm for the season opener and every Thursday after until the market season ends October 13th. If you would like to take part in this neighborhood extravaganza click here for a vendor form.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Snapshots

Precious moments frozen in time for eternity, or at least as long as the media lasts. I often hear the term "snapshot" applied to the harshest of criticisms in photography. In my opinion the subject of the snapshot is what makes the genre so appealing to lay eyes on. Emotion, unforced and pure, so much so that the viewer doesn't necessarily have to know the back story, to feel the rush of emotion which pours from the snap.




his own worst critic